There may be a time when you find yourself in need of quick cash, but you don’t want to go through the lengthy steps of acquiring a traditional loan. Well, you’re in luck!
Express cash loans are an excellent alternative to traditional bank loans and the high-interest rates of credit cards. And depending on your personal situation, express loans may be the better option. So, why should you choose express loans? Let’s find out below.

What is an Express Loan?
First, let’s start with the basics: what exactly are express loans? Essentially, express loans are instant cash. This can be a lifesaver if you’re surprised with unexpected expenses such as a car or home repair, medical bills, a high utility bill, and more. Some lenders, such as iCash, allow you to apply online in under one hour!
But Canadians don’t just use express loans for the difficult moments in life; they also secure funds for joyous occasions, such as weddings, graduations and vacations. They’re often capped at $1,500, so these quick loans are meant for those who need a small amount of money, fast.
Why Should You Choose Express Loans?
Let’s start with an obvious one: they’re quick and easy. At iCash, for example, you can obtain up to $1,500 with an easy, 1-hour application. Most Canadians walk away with their money in less than 24 hours. There are no long lines, no appointments, no waiting days on end for approval and no messy repayment plans. Instead, you get what you need: fast cash.

What About Credit?
If you’re worried about having bad credit, don’t be; you can still receive your money. This is why many Canadians with lower credit scores opt for emergency loans rather than big-bank loans or credit cards. Not only will you still get your needed funds, but you also won’t be battling huge interest rates.
What Does a Repayment Plan Look Like?
Repayment plans with express loans are simple and straightforward, with many borrowers settling their loans in under three payments. And depending on your situation, if you need more time to pay off your loan, it doesn’t always mean higher interest rates. As long as you work with a reputable lender like iCash, you won’t be surprised with any hidden fees or confusing terms.
Can You Get an Express Loan Today?
Another reason to choose express loans is availability. If you’re searching for a quick loan, you’re probably in need of cash and you don’t have a lot of time to wait. Because many money lenders in Canada are open through the weekend and accept online applications 24/7, your money is always within reach. This can reduce financial stress and get you back on your feet easily and quickly.
So, if you’re looking for fast cash, consider express loans. They are quick to obtain, they have an easy application process, and they’re always open. Additionally, you don’t need to worry about your credit score, you won’t be startled with hidden fees, and your repayment plan can be as simple as three installments.