Between kids and bills and rent and car repairs, more and more Canadians are living paycheck to paycheck and are simply not able to make ends meet. Getting quick loans from can help short term but longer term solutions exist. Finding a side hustle has become a common occurrence for many people. And it isn’t a bad idea at all! Side hustles are a great way to earn some extra money, often with minimal time and effort required!
So, what is a side hustle? In essence, a side hustle is a way to make money outside of your regular job. If your regular job’s paycheck is able to cover your day-to-day living expenses, then often a side hustle will provide a few extra funds to cover life’s little “extras”. Whether you are saving up to buy something big like a car or a house, or whether you need to pay down some debt, or perhaps you just would like to free up some money to start going out more and doing things, a side hustle might be just what the financial doctor ordered!
Great! You are interested and ready to get started! But where to start? Who to turn to? Where to look? There are so many options to choose from that it’s hard to pick just one! And even then, which one to choose? Argh! It’s all so confusing!
With a little guidance, getting started will be much easier.
Step 1: Start by jotting down things that interest you. Do you love or hate driving? Do you have a passion for pets and animals? Are you great with children? Do you have a ton of things taking up space in the garage? Start by writing all this down so that we can begin the process of narrowing it down.
Step 2: Figure out your schedule. Are you free mostly on weekends? Would you prefer to keep your weekends free but you have mornings and/or evenings available? Do you currently work off-hours and you are actually free most days? Check out what times you are able to dedicate to your new side hustle before committing to anything.

Now that you know what you enjoy and what hours you can devote to your side hustle, we can start pinpointing what would be the best options for your needs. On the list below are a few of the top side hustles and who they are right for:
UBER OR LYFT: We all know and love these ride apps! They are convenient, inexpensive and a great way to get around town. So, becoming a driver for one of them seems like an easy answer!
WHO THIS IS GREAT FOR: Becoming a ride-app driver for Uber or Lyft is the perfect solution for people who enjoy the relaxation of driving. Plus, if you are available during the “peak” hours, you can earn even more money per ride taken on!
**TIP: A great tip is to use the settings that allow you to pick up riders that are on your way to your destination at the time. Example: during your commute to work, why not pick up someone heading in the same general direction as you? And then the same for your commute home!DOG WALKING/PET SITTING: Are you an animal lover? Do you often find yourself feeding the neighborhood animals? Would you love to take home every stray you encounter? Then this is the side hustle for you! Why not offer your services in your neighborhood as a pet sitter and/or a dog-walker? There are constantly people going away on vacation and looking for someone to watch their pet. Plus, with the amount of people working off-hours or overtime, there is a constant need for a reliable person to help out and walk the neighborhood dogs.
WHO IS THIS GREAT FOR: Anyone with a love of animals!
**TIP: Invest in the belt/leash where you can attach several animal’s leashes to it. Then when you walk the dogs, you can walk several at the same time and maximize your income!
3. NANNY OR BABYSITTER: Most households now have two working parents. Plus, of course, the social calendars and activities and overtime! The need for a regular babysitter is almost a given! Offer your services as a nanny/babysitter in the area.
WHO IS THIS GREAT FOR: Anyone who loves children and enjoys spending time with them. Surrounding yourself with children is a great way to stay young!
**TIP: Getting certified in CPR and offering to help with homework is a great way to justify increasing your hourly rate and stand out from the teenage babysitters.
SELL YOUR STUFF: With the ease of platforms such as Facebook’s Marketplace, Kijiji, eBay and Craigslist, the ability to sell the items that are just collecting dust around your home is simple and easy (almost as simple and easy as!) Take a quick look around your house and identify items that you do not use anymore or you can part with. Then take some NICE pictures and post them on the platform of your choice.
WHO IS THIS GREAT FOR: People who have tons of stuff around their homes that they simply do not use anymore.
**TIP: Make sure to take your time and take a NICE picture of the item. Be aware of the background of the item. Be aware of the lighting. Take the time to clean the item before taking a picture of it. Items that were presenting in a nice lighting and appear clean and attractive sell much more quickly.FOOD DELIVERY SERVICE: Services such as UberEats and Foodora are picking up steam. People enjoy the convenience of being able to order items that were un-orderable before (such as McDonalds and other fast foods!). So why not offer your food delivery services a few nights a week? The bonus here is the ability to make great tips as well!
WHO IS THIS GREAT FOR: People who enjoy driving and who have a few evenings to spare a week.
**TIP: Try to be available during peak hours such as lunch time in a very business-y area, dinner time in a residential area, or late night in a residential area when the night owls get hungry!
This list is definitely not an exhaustive one, it is just a stepping stone to get you started on your quest for a side hustle and some extra funds. If you have a skill or talent, another great option is to find a way to leverage that skill (example: great at writing? Offer your services as a freelance writer!). No matter what you do, no matter which avenue you choose, iCash is always right here should you need any assistance with emergency funds to get you started towards your side hustle!